You're looking to ensure your information security is in place before seeking underwriting and SOX compliance is giving you a headache.
You are a startup experiencing a liquidity event looking to ensure your information security is in place before seeking underwriting. Your investment firm is concerned about the security of one of your properties, and SOX compliance is giving you a headache.
We will partner with you and your executive team to get your company’s information security profile in the BEST light for auditors, underwriters, and investors whether you decide to have us. During this intense period, Cloud Security Labs provides you with a dedicated vCISO who can get started right away and help you through the entire audit and underwriting phase.
After partnering with Cloud Security Labs, you’ll be able to successfully address the concerns regarding information security and achieve SOX compliance. This not only alleviated the headache caused by compliance issues but also instilled confidence in the investment firm. With your information security profile in the best light, you’re now well-prepared for the audit and underwriting phase, creating a solid foundation for future growth and attracting potential investors.